The NAPICU Annual Conference invites you to present completed research, or practice-related projects as part of the Conference.
Closing Date Monday 26th May 2025
NAPICU will offer a limited number of oral presentations during the 28th Annual Conference alongside the invited speakers.
Presentation time will be 15 minute maximum with 5 minutes for Q&A.
Presenters names will be published in the programme alongside the main event speakers.
Oral Abstract winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner. The winner will also receive £200 prize!
NAPICU will also have posters presented during the conference with interactive poster session with our judges, fellow delegates, and exhibitors on Thursday 18th September with drinks and light refreshments.
Poster winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner, the winner will receive £100.
For both oral and Poster submission applicants should submit an abstract between 350 – 500 words (a maximum of 350 words if a table or figure is included). The word count does not include the title or references
Submitting an Entry
All applications should be submitted electronically.
Closing date for receipt of entries is May 26th 2025
A multi-disciplinary panel of judges will consider the applications and shortlisted applicants will be contacted after the Monday 9th June 2025.
Successful oral and poster submitter’s must register to attend the conference
by Friday 1st August 2025.