national association of psychiatric intensive care units

Personal Membership

Personal membership of NAPICU comes with some unique benefits you can have your own personal journal and access to utilise the full scope of the secure member’s area of our website at times when you are away from your ward. 

The benefits of joining NAPICU are extensive but for the most part, the biggest benefit for personal membership is the access to the most up to date practices and practical guidance and support from professionals who are on the frontline in PICU and Acute  services.

Members Benefits

If you become a member, benefits include:

  • Online access to the International Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care
  • Free online access to continuing professional development questions
  • Free access to view presentations and videos from past conferences.
  • Reduced fees for attending our annual conference including a group fee only for members
  • Free attendance at quarterly meetings (up to 5 delegates can attend from any member ward)
  • The option of entering  the awards at our annual conference
  • Access to advice from internationally renowned experts in the field of PICU, acute and  low secure care
  • The opportunity to network with other PICU/LSU clinicians sharing ideas and good practice

Membership runs annually from 1st April until 31st March.

1 year – £ 60


To join NAPICU as an individual member (£60 annual fee) you can register and pay by credit card online using the link above, or click here to download the application form to complete and return to us to pay by BACS, cheque or bankers draft

Whether you are a brand new member or an existing member renewing as soon as payment is received you will be sent your membership certificate and a journal via post and your log in details for the website via email.

If you have any problems with your membership our admin team are on hand to help you.

If you feel that NAPICU membership is not for you, you can contact the admin office who will be happy to discuss what your bespoke needs may be or you can send your email address to them and they will add you to our newsletter and eflyer distribution list and you will be kept up to date with everything that NAPICU are doing.

NAPICU is a membership focused, not for profit multi-disciplinary organisation and a registered charity.

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